Monday, October 21, 2013

Introducing.... Student Bloggers!

Social Studies by Lucy

This week in geography we have been learning about maps.  Our first project was to create our own made up continent.  Some people chose to have a partner and others didn't.  For the past week everybody has been working nonstop.  Our map was to have a key, labeled countries, land forms and bodies of water around it.

Cartography by Kyle P.

A cartographer is someone who looks at ariel photos and makes new representations of them.  A cartographer is also a position of a larger group called mapping scientists.  A cartographer uses the help of geographic information system a.k.a GIS makes maps, charts, and photographs of large areas on the earths outer shell.  A cartographer also updates old maps when something new is built like a road, city or neighborhood.  Photogrammists look at aerial photos and create representations of them called scaled maps.  Mosiacists take and arrange ariel photos in a certain order.  Being able to look and change aerial photos is a important piece of cartography.  The final product of a cartographers work includes weather aps (as seen on TV), atlases, GPSs and tons more!  This is what I know of cartography.