Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Project Based Learning in Room 8

Room 8 scholars have been tasked with making a museum to teach others about the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome!  The students quickly realized that they would need to know a great deal about the civilizations if they were to make a museum, so they began by generating a very comprehensive list of questions. After organizing their questions, they jumped right into researching using the IIM method. Check out the link below to learn more about project based learning and be sure to check back to see how our students decide to show what they know!


Math Multiplication by Nash

     Wow!  We have been doing so much math.  Here are some examples.  We have been doing CML (Continental Math League).  They are really hard.  I think some of us think it is easy.  We have found many different ways to do the problems.  We used the four operations.  We do math exemplars to who what we know and extend our work.  We have not been doing a lot of math homework, but we will soon.  So stay tuned.  One of the games we have played is Spiral Multiplication.  This game helps us with multiplication.  We have been doing a lot in math.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

IIM Research by:Abby

This is what room 8 3rd graders are up to! What is IIM research? IIM research is facts put on notes. First you find facts and put it on a bigger piece of paper. What have we researched? we have researched famous Americans and Oysters. We researched 3 famous Americans, George Washington Carver, Ben Franklin, and Powhatan, Oysters! We have been researching oysters to raise their population. We researched life cycle, history, what food chain they are part of , and What if the population drops(?) What do some of our classmates like about IIM research? Jhiveon likes that we get to cut and glue. Natalia likes where somebody writs one paragraph and another person wrote another paragraph. Austin just likes researching! That's what I call research.