Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grand Opening of the Greco-Roman Museum for Family and Friends Friday, January 31

Mark your calendars for Friday, January 31!  

Grand opening of the ODC third grade Greco-Roman Museum

Room 8 students will give a tour of the museum to friends and family from 11:45-12:15
You are invited to join us in a Greek feast in our classroom from 12:15-1:00
All third graders will participate in the Olympics from 1:00-2:30pm in the gym

Look for an upcoming email for volunteer opportunities!

Room 8 Newspaper

I realized recently that I had not been keeping up with the Room 8 Blog as much as I had been at the beginning of the year!  Some of this has to do with how very busy we have been with preparing for the Greco-Roman museum, but some of it also had to do with the students' desire to communicate their learning via a newspaper.  Let me tell you about the process!

A small group of students suggested, after a conversation over lunch in the ODC cafe, that they would like to have a class newspaper.  The students approached me to ask what I thought about it.  It sounded like a great idea to me, but told them it would have to be the students' work and that it would have to be accomplished mostly during lunch, with appropriate time allowed during the writing period of language arts.  They also needed to be sure to be inclusive to all students and decided to invite anyone to submit an article to the paper.  Several classmates submitted articles about the museum and other happenings in PE and specialists.  Articles were typed at lunch time and the second edition was sent home in last week's Thursday folder.  

Next week I will include a link to the paper in our blog!

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Mid Year Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are going well!  Our fabulous guidance teacher, Mrs. McClellan, shared her Compass lessons with us to help students understand the importance of self-reflection and goal setting.  We then worked together to reflect and set goals for our class work.  We are in the process of sharing this with parents.  If you have not yet signed up for conferences you may do so by following the link below!

Not only has this process helped the students to reflect and goal set, but it has helped me refine my teaching by understanding them better as learners.  It's going to be a great second half of the year!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Greco-Roman museum update

The third graders participated in a senate meeting today to discuss the structure of their Greco-Roman museum. To better understand the concept of direct and representative democracy each class sent a representative to the senate to bring the ideas their classmates voted upon. The rest of the "citizens" were able to watch the senate meeting on a closed circuit TV. 

3rd grade Senate