Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Room 8 Newspaper

I realized recently that I had not been keeping up with the Room 8 Blog as much as I had been at the beginning of the year!  Some of this has to do with how very busy we have been with preparing for the Greco-Roman museum, but some of it also had to do with the students' desire to communicate their learning via a newspaper.  Let me tell you about the process!

A small group of students suggested, after a conversation over lunch in the ODC cafe, that they would like to have a class newspaper.  The students approached me to ask what I thought about it.  It sounded like a great idea to me, but told them it would have to be the students' work and that it would have to be accomplished mostly during lunch, with appropriate time allowed during the writing period of language arts.  They also needed to be sure to be inclusive to all students and decided to invite anyone to submit an article to the paper.  Several classmates submitted articles about the museum and other happenings in PE and specialists.  Articles were typed at lunch time and the second edition was sent home in last week's Thursday folder.  

Next week I will include a link to the paper in our blog!

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