Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fourth Quarter News!

We are wrapping up our study of measurement.  It’s always helpful to reinforce these skills at home.  Students should be able to estimate and find length (metric and customary), volume (metric and customary), and mass (metric) or weight (customary).  
We are beginning our study of probability and data collection.  We will be collecting, organizing and displaying data.  Students will be using bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots.  Students will learn that statistics is about asking and answer questions in our world.  They will conduct probability experiments and use mathematical language to communicate their findings.
We are beginning to study soil and have some interesting projects in the works.  Stay tuned.  Students may ask to bring in some compostable items from home including coffee grounds or egg shells as we get our compost started.  
We will also be studying cycles including seasons, day and night, phases of the moon (first quarter, full, last [third] quarter, new), tides and life cycles.  At home you can get outside as a family and observe the moon each night.  If you can get down to the beach and observe differences in high and low tides it would certainly reinforce our discussions in class!
  • We are continuing our focus on writing.  The best practice for writing at home is for students to use writing in meaningful ways.  Have your child make the shopping list as you dictate.  Have your child keep a journal and set aside daily journaling time to reflect on the day.  This might be a fun practice to start as a family.  Children can write thank you notes or letters to family members or find a pen pal.  Writing should be meaningful and fun!
  • As you know, we are working on a novel study.  Students chose books to read and formed their own groups based on reading level and interest.  Books include Wonder, Hatchet, Number The Stars, The Toy Inventor, and The Mysterious Benedict Society.  
  • We are also beginning a unit on poetry.
  • Students should always have a great book on hand to enjoy on their own!

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