Saturday, September 21, 2013

Just Warming Up!

Well, things are really warming up in room 8!

It seems the students have decided that we should have Food Fridays!  Thank you to Noah for bringing in some delicious grape drink last week to highlight our discussion of measurement (real world application of volume, standard and metric measurement, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, milliliters and liters, not to mention the mathematics involved in doubling a recipe through repeated addition or multiplication).

Thank you to Liam for bringing in a snow cone maker to demonstrate observable physical properties of matter.  Already experts on the states of matter from their study in the second grade, this served nicely to introduce our essential question:  "How does matter change?"  I wonder what they will decide to do next week!

We are exploring the scientific process though an experiment involving gummy bears.  The question was posed:  "What happens if a gummy bear is submerged in water for 24 hours?"  The students formed their hypothesis, collected data, discussed our essential question, "How is measurement used to communicate data?" and formulated a conclusion to answer their original question.  We repeated the experiment to see if we achieved the same results.  In deciding who our audience should be, the students decided to report to to the other classes and compare data.  Some students even went home and took the experiment to the next level, posing their own hypothesis!

Friday also brought our first discussion of SYSTEMS!  The students were making wonderful connections to lead us into our third grade theme!

Several students have chosen to research scientists using the IIM method.  They developed some big questions, decided what sources to use to find their answers, divided their tasks, and began their research.  They will report their findings to their peers later next week. 

In math we have continued our discussion of numeration, making, comparing and rounding really large numbers and finding real world uses for large numbers and rounding.  We even got to use the iPads again to access menus from local restaurants to plan meals for eating out.  

Finally we are warming up as writers and readers.  We have some voracious readers in our class.  After collecting some data and graphing the results it has been determined that fantasy is the favorite genre.  The students have been challenged to read thirty books in third grade.  The caveat is that they must read books in many genres.  This is one way to grow as a reader.  We started with poetry and had some wonderful readings.  Next we will try our hand at writing poetry.

We had a fun writing lesson which used play dough as a metaphor for the writing process.  A very deep lesson which the children will be able to connect to as they learn to revise and edit their writing throughout the year.

I hope your children are having as much fun as I am!  Next week I shall be taking a step back from my duties as a blogger for our classroom, turning over the responsibility to the students!  Stay tuned!

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