Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sign Up for Fall Conferences!

I promised student bloggers would be taking over this week, but with all the science and math going on in room 8, we will have to postpone the excitement until next week!

A few announcements:

Please follow the link to sign up for Fall Conferences.  It couldn't be easier!

The students are becoming expert letter writers as we have had many thank you letters to write!  Thank you to the PTA for the great math assembly on Monday.  Thank you to Mrs. Rudolph for bringing in some science fun to show another way matter can change!

This demonstration proved a great deal about volume and mass.  Ask your scholar to explain!

Students have been using Edmodo to discuss their mathematical and scientific thinking!  Below is a picture of a student who submitted a Power Point presentation to show 6 digit numbers in the real world.  This led many students to revise their thinking about math in the real world!

Don't forget to plan for early dismissal this Thursday, October 3. 

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